1 Day left until registration opens!
If you have a passionate goal and strong ambition to pursue your dreams, This is your chance! Win up to 220,000 Baht, with potential funding from major corporations.
ASEAN University Startup league 2020 is open for undergraduates from universities all around ASEAN
that is up for a challenge to bring forward their ideas, compete, and become part of the
ASEAN startup community.
#AseanStartup #Startupfunltd #StartupLeague
1 Day left until registration opens! If you have a passionate goal and strong ambition to pursue your dreams, This is your chance! Win up to 220,000 Baht, with potential funding from major corporations. ASEAN University Startup league 2020 is open for undergraduates from universities all around ASEAN that is up for a challenge to bring forward their ideas, compete, and become part of the ASEAN startup community. #AseanStartup #Startupfunltd #StartupLeague